Green Borneo is derived from the Mitragyna Speciosa tree. This variety of tree is also known as the Kratom tree, and the leaves that it produces have a unique alkaloid profile.
Borneo’s Kratom leaves of all varieties have a unique aroma that makes it easy to tell them apart from other Mitragyna Speciosa byproducts. As with every other known Kratom trees, there are three distinct types of leaves that can be harvested from Borneo: green vein, red vein and white vein. This is a physical description that refers to the color of the veins that run through each leaf. In other words, the Green Vein Borneo leaves have veins that are green instead of any other color.
The alkaloid makeup of Green Vein Borneo offers consumers an interesting mixture of the approximately 25 alkaloids that exist in all Kratom tree leaves. There are notable percentages of the main alkaloids, including 7-Hydroxymitragynine and Mitragnynine. Additionally, several other alkaloids stand out in this particular profile such as Speciogynine, Mitraphylline and 9-Hydroxycorynantheidine.
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